Jack and Dolly McCabe after a recent visit to Mexico by Jack to volunteer at an orphanage south of Rosarito, Baja California. Here is Jack's report. DOOR OF FAITH ORPHANAGE VISIT Prologue 1 Whatsoever I do to the least of my brethren that I do unto Him. Faith without good works is meritless. James and my conscience. However, biblical Paul and I have been free riding and relying more on the concept of faith. Prologue 2 A few folks have asked me (Guest Blogger, my dad, Jack McCabe) to write this report describing my brief encounter with an environment quite different from the stateside to which most of us are accustomed. HISTORY The background of Door of Faith (DOFO.org) is professionally detailed below from a recent trip by Jack McCabe, P.E. Based on Prologue 1, I decided to volunteer a week of my manual services, in August 2009 to the group at La Mision, Mexico. Tourist guides and word of mouth tell of an early mission in the area, of which two walls remain. Having seen walls befor...