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Dr. Mary Travelbest - Special Episode On Packing Tips

In this episode: FAQ is: Packing questions? What are the most popular ones? 


They are mostly related to overpacking issues.


How many suitcases should I bring?


You can carry as few as possible and only one load. 

My goal is to bring half of what I thought I needed. Fill the suitcase with things to give away, then fill it up again with things you buy along your trip.


What do people forget to bring on vacations?


The first item is bathroom things like makeup, toothbrush, comb, and accessories.

These can be purchased at your destination.


Eyeglasses may be more difficult to find. Contacts are difficult to make up, so keep your prescription to order them.

Underwear and some clothing items are reasonably easy to purchase when on the road. 


What are your packing tips?


 I’d love to hear them. Here are some ideas about common things forgotten.,vacations%2C%20and%20it%20makes%20sense.


Did you need to remember something important? Remember the movie Home Alone? They forgot one of their kids when they went to Europe for Christmas. At least I have not done that one! Could you tell me about your travel packing mistakes?


Today’s Packing Mistake- There are so many times I have forgotten things on my trips. The main ones are: I forgot the tent poles, left the luggage at home twice, and left the charger plugged in at the hotel. Should I continue?

Today’s Travel Packing Advice-Lists and checklists:

My friend Cathy has a checklist for her travels. Every time she plans a trip, she reviews that before heading out the door. She reviews it when she’s putting the suitcase together, making final preparations, and before leaving her apartment. Get a checklist or make one for yourself. Packing will never get any easier until you have a routine that includes the checklist.

Check out this episode!


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