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Dr. Mary Travelbest Seychelles

Dr. Mary Travelbest Seychelles

Welcome to Dr. Mary Travelbest’s Bucket List Travel.
We share the travel tips and guide you, sharing our missteps along the way.

In this episode: Faq on what you should share on social media?  Destination: Seychelles, Travel Mistake, Travel Tip

FAQ What ways should you be careful in terms of sharing about your travels on social media? What should you be careful about for the content you post and your replies?

Social media is a blessing today, but for some it is a curse. Here are some tips for using it while on the road.
Social media distracts from the real experience, so consider how you interact with those you are with and those you could be talking with instead of trying to get the best social post to strangers.
Get your research from friends before you go. Ask. Where should you go? Stay? Eat? Visit?
Once on the road, limit your social media to when you really need to connect. Otherwise, take a break!
You can catch up later. Be where you are.
Wait to post. Don’t always try to get things on, but be patient and even wait until you’re home. You don’t want others to know you’re away, because your home could become a target for burglars.
Give yourself a time limit daily for how long you will be online.
You may need your devices for directions and run out of energy, so limit yourself.
Don’t share photos of people who you don’t know. Consider the privacy of others when you post. And don’t embarrass others. Use the Golden Rule. Do onto others also works for social media.

Today’s Independent Destination: Seychelles
It’s in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of East Africa. The best times to visit Seychelles are AprilMayOctober and November. These months represent the transition times between the hot and humid northwest trade winds (from November through March) and the cooler southeast trade winds that define April through October.
One thousand miles from the coast of Kenya, more than 100 small islands, north of Madagascar. First language is French Creole, followed by English.
Some language issues. Lush vegetation, Coco de mer or sea coconuts, Tortises, scuba diving, nude beaches, mini mokes, bed and breakfasts, oxen instead of cars on many islands.
The small islands can be reached by boat, and that’s easy to arrange. I would recommend visiting the island, La Digue
It’s known for its beaches, like Anse Source d’Argent, dotted with granite boulders, on the west coast. To the south, isolated Anse Bonnet Carré Beach, with calm, shallow water, is accessible only on foot, as is Anse Cocos Beach, in a protected bay on the east coast. La Digue’s diverse wildlife can be seen in the Veuve Nature Reserve.

Today’s Mistake-Missing my flight.
In Seattle, I slept through my flight and woke up after it had left.
In Chicago, I was stuck in a cab too long and missed my first solo flight to San Diego.
In Tahiti, I missed my flight by 12 hours. With a paper ticket in hand, the travel agent had written down 1pm, but the flight really left at 1am. And I missed the boat to get there, so I had taken a flight just to get to the airport that day!
Don’t make these mistakes, but if you do, you will still be ok. Take the next flight you can. Talk to the gate agent at the airport and try to be patient and kind to others while you go. The journey is part of the adventure and how you handle it makes a difference.

Today’s Travel Advice-Eating out. What should you eat when on the road? First thing, don’t drink the water in a country you don’t know. Bottled water only. You can go to the finest dining to the local street food, whatever your appetite and budget allows. Bread is always a good food to eat, and usually fresh fruits, especially when you peel the skin first. Ask first.
If you don’t understand the menu, you look at what other people are eating. Maybe someone in the kitchen speaks your language. In China, I had to point at what other people were eating and ask for that in sign language. I still don’t know what it was.
The water likely has bacteria, and locals have the immunity and you don’t. Don’t rinse your mouth or brush your teeth with it. Carry pills to treat the water. Carry a few ounces of water in a small bottle. You don’t want to be sick.


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