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Dr. Mary Travelbest - Venice Italy Part 2 of 3

The first Venice episode was # 247. I came back and added more to that here and the following episode. 

In this episode, the FAQ is: Would I return to Venice?

Today’s Destination is Venice, Italy Part 2 of 3

Today’s Misstep: Spend more time in the region of Northern Italy.


Travel Advice: In Venice, Get Lost

FAQ: Would I go back to Venice?


Answer: The answer is yes because I hardly saw the main attractions the first time. I was in a crowd of tourists, and it was under construction. I think there will be better crowd control now that there's a fee.

Today’s destination: Venice, Italy Part 2 of 3

Venice is called the City of Dreams. 

It’s the capital of northern Italy’s Veneto region and is built on over 100 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. It has no roads, just canals—including the Grand Canal thoroughfare—lined with Renaissance and Gothic palaces. The central square, Piazza San Marco, contains St. Mark’s Basilica, tiled with Byzantine mosaics, and the Campanile bell tower, which offers views of the city’s red roofs. 

Yes, Venice is sinking. This is due to sediment settling and freshwater pumping from below ground.

What are the main places to explore here?


Take the canals everywhere, because there are no cars.


So many corners. Away from glitter and gloss.

70,000 people live here. Tens of millions vacation here.


Detours throughout the city due to construction.

Rialto Bridge is in the middle of the busy tourist activity.


If I had more time, I would have spent it in Venice. I only had four days, which got me more interested in being part of the city life. I’d go back outside of the summertime. I’d visit the historical sites and ride the vaporettas, trains, and buses. I’d also explore the area around Venice to learn about its history and meet the people.

Today’s Travel Advice- In Venice, Get Lost



Check out this episode!


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