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Dr. Mary Travelbest - Venice Italy Part 3 of 3

In this episode, the FAQ is: How do I keep track of travel memories so I don’t forget them?


Today’s Destination is: Venice, Italy Part 3

Today’s Misstep: Tickets to the Opera in Venice were sold out


Travel Advice: Stick to the outskirts for fewer tourists


FAQ: How do I keep track of travel memories so I don’t forget them?

Answer: Our memories may not be as sharp as we age, so recording our best thoughts in writing may be more critical. I use the Notes app on my phone, my audio recording app, and take lots of photos and videos while I travel. I do not post to social media while I travel, but wait until later most of the time to curate my memories in blogs and podcasts like this one.


How you record and save your memories is really up to you. Whatever your process is, make sure you have enough memory and battery and that you capture the essence of your travel, whether it’s a person you met, a place you want to return to, or a special meal you ate.


Today’s destination: Venice, Italy Part 3


To really enjoy Venice, Italy, as a tourist, you have to learn to get in synch with the city's vibe. It would be best if you had a lot of patience.

My experiences were as a solo female, and yours may differ depending on your adventure step. It’s a Step 5 destination. 

If you visit Venice now, you will pay a daily fee. Show notes have more on this.

The highlights were on the water, where I spent almost all of my time.

Study your transportation options ahead of time, if possible.


Saint Elena and Saint Mary Elizabeth are at the end of line 1. I'm heading to the beach here for a swim. Swimming 🏊‍♂️ free was good. Private clubs charged 50 euros to swim. I had to walk a bit, but it was free. The water was pretty clear and refreshing.

I had breakfast with a German young man from Bonn. He will serve in the NY area this fall, but until then, he will tour Europe solo. He is a nice guy.

I took bus 3x in Lido ferries Saturday (6), to Murano, all over…

Sunday thru Grand Canal to Lido 1: then another to Lido SME. train 2x plus paid 1x 1.50 euro. I got good value for 24 hours. 


I needed a shower after that beach swim in Lido Santa Maria Elizabeth. For the first time, my name was a neighborhood/church.

Prep for the rest of the trip. Figure out texting, airalo, bank.

This morning, bus #2 to Venice was packed and hot. The train now has AC, and that’s great!

Loved the ferries. Took them all day, often.

Met Matteo, who helped me find the train station. Nice and humble. Maybe 25 years old. Runs the ferry for tourists each day. It must be stressful at times. 

Strikes are possible here. They are announced in advance.

 Today’s Misstep: Tickets to the Opera in Venice were sold out


I thought I could get a ticket to the Opera on the day of, but that was wrong. Book your tickets in advance.

Today’s Travel Advice- Stick to the outskirts for fewer tourists


You don’t need to be amid the traffic, so arrive early, siesta mid-day, and relax with your shade umbrella in Venice. Cool down in advance.

I want to bring meaning to your future travels. Sign up for the Dr. Travelbest newsletter. We can connect on my websites, Facebook page, group, or Instagram. Find the 5 Steps to Solo Travel series on Amazon. The show notes have more details for you to connect. Please support this podcast with a review. We need your help to help others.


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