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Marietta, Georgia and the best seat on the plane

In this episode, the FAQ says that one of our followers does not fly much. She asked me, “What’s the best seat on the plane?”


Today’s Destination is: Marietta, GA

Today’s Misstep- On Southwest, I paid twice for the Internet. 

Travel Advice: Get a good night’s sleep on the road with a clear head in bed.


FAQ: What’s the best seat on the plane? That was the question asked by someone who doesn’t fly much.


Response: I think the best seat is a window seat, but you may prefer the aisle if you want to stretch your legs and walk around the cabin.

On Southwest Airlines, there are no assigned seats, so you get the seat you want if you are one of the first to board. 

I love looking out the window and feel I have more privacy with that view. I also have at least one elbow rest that I can use. 


When I fly a budget airline, they ask me to buy a seat, but I rarely do that. They often seat me in the middle, but sometimes I get lucky.


Today’s destination: Marietta, GA


I spent the day in Marrietta, GA, at the historic homes and cafe market by the old train station. Marietta Square is full of great local food stalls. I had a very fresh poke bowl. 

The city has charm, touristy vibes, and a local flavor. People settle here because they like the small-town feel.

It’s north of Atlanta, about 46 kilometers or 29 miles.


You can take the MARTA from the airport and then transfer to Arts Center Station to bus, which will take you to the Marietta Transfer Center. Plenty of Airbnb and hotels will host you here.


If you have a car, drive to Kennesaw, about 10 minutes drive

Kennesaw, GA -special episode on this place?


Blue Pineapple Travel Agency, Nicole and Casey were hiking ahead of me, and I asked them if this trail leads back to the Visitor’s Center, and they said YES.

So I started walking and talking; before you knew it, we were old friends.


Today’s Misstep: I was working on Southwest Airlines and paid for the internet twice.


This was the first time that I used and paid for the internet. I used my Southwest Airlines mobile app to pay for it because it was convenient. I had trouble getting it, and a flight attendant helped me out. Then I told them I wanted to use my laptop for work, so I had to purchase a second time for that service. Each was only $8.00, and they offered me a refund when I asked for it. It should appear on next month’s credit card statement as a refund.


Today’s Travel Advice- Get a good night’s sleep on the road with a clear head in bed.


When your head hits the pillow, make sure your brain is relaxed. Wind down your screen time at least a half hour before, and take a minute to think about what you’re grateful for. That will give you a clear head and a good night’s sleep most of the time when you travel.


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