Let's visit Santa Fe, New Mexico as a woman independent traveler. I just did it this month and you can, too. I'll share my travel mistakes and give you tips for travel. I also answer your questions, so go ahead and ask me. Check out this travel for women episode! In this episode: FAQ on how to keep food and meal costs low? The destination is Santa Fe, New Mexico, the mistake is almost causing havoc on the road, and travel advice is to travel or not on a holiday? FAQ: Advice on how to keep food/meal costs low while traveling? Keeping food costs low is … Club stores: Sam’s, Costco lets you buy in bulk, so if you are in a trip where you can bulk up, do so right away. For example, you may need to get a case of bottled water, especially in a foreign country. You may find that the Club stores have really great pricing on bulk water, other beverages, and even staples like peanut butter and jelly. We get our gas, too, and to save time, get there before it opens. G...